Urinary infection
For many years I was plagued with urinary tract infections. Seven or eight times a year, I used to get this infection. I have Sjogren's syndrome and it may have been the cause of this frequent infection. Often I have been on penicillin treatments. A few weeks ago the infection came back again. I chose not to take penicillin. For three to four weeks I suffered with urinary tract infection. Three weeks have passed since I was healed. I have told about this to my work colleagues. While you were praying for me, the mobile phone was very warm. The heat was felt long after I had finished the conversation.
For two months I was bleeding. Doctors could not find the cause. The bleeding just continued. I called to you and received a prayer cloth. When I got prayer cloth, the bleeding stopped.
When my grandson was 14, he got epilepsy with seizures. The doctor said it was epilepsy. When he was 18 years, I phoned you three times and prayed for him. He was healed after the last time you prayed. Radiographs showed that epilepsy has disappeared. He is now 30 years and is just as healthy.
17 warts
A woman called and received prayer for her husband. He had 17 warts on his hands. Two days after you had prayed for him, the warts disappeared! He did not know that he had been prayed for. After he was healed, his wife told him that she had called and received prayer for him.
Put the book about healing
on the excema
For several years I had a rash on one arm. I was at a doctor with this ailment and used several different types of ointments to no avail. The doctor thought that it was psoriasis. Not long ago I bought your new book, where there was a picture of your hand. Then I put it on my arm the same evening and my arm was much better. After three or four days I was healed.
Swine Flu Vaccine healed
A few years ago my niece had the swine flu vaccine. This caused her to get sick. She got including other ailments, asthma and diffuse abdominal pain. She called you and received prayer for these ailments. The abdominal pain disappeared instantly after you had prayed for her. Later the asthma disappeared. Since then she has been rid of these problems.
Healed for ME
I have a grandson in his 30s who got the fatigue syndrome - ME. He slept over half of the day and had a lot of pain in his body. For nine years he had this disease and was pale, thin and miserable. Without him knowing about it I called you and you prayed for him. After this he was a new man. Now he is moving around and no longer under the weather. I've told his parents and siblings about it, but not to him. They are all amazed at what has happened with him.
The back was healed at Vinstra
All my life I have worked on a farm. From the age of 20 I have suffered from back pain. X-rays showed that four discs in the back were worn away. One bone was rubbing against the other bone. I have received treatments from a chiropractor for many years. I would get better for a little while, but the pain always returned when I made heavy lifts. Eventually he gave up on me. My doctor and chiropractor both have said: "I cannot help you." 15-16 years ago you were having weekend meetings at Vinstra church. Here you prayed for me. A day or two after this, I discovered that my back was healed. Since then I have not felt any back pain in the least, and I have been able to do everything without getting backpain. Now I am a healthy 95 year old, and I have 15 great-grandchildren.
TV2 healed
For two years I endured pain in my back daily. Doctors did not know what caused this, yet they talked about surgery. It was so painful that when I was out shopping, I had to have someone with me to carry home my groceries. I lived in Spain at the time. Here I could watch TV 2. On October 12 1995, you were a guest in a talk show. You were alotted one minute to pray for the sick. While praying, I put one hand on the television. Afterwards I said to myself: "So this did not help either." But I was wrong. The day after my back was perfectly healthy. Since then my back has been healed.
Tv-cured: urinary leakage and back pain
For many years I suffered from urine leakage. Twice I had surgery, but both operations were unsuccessful. A few years ago I watched you on a TV program. While praying for the sick during the program, I put one hand on the TV screen. Since then I have not been bothered with urine leakage. The reason why I put my hand on the TV screen was because I wanted prayer for my painful back. I forgot about the urine leakage. Shortly afterwards I discovered that my back was healed as well.
Free from drugs
My nephew had for several years been addicted to drugs. He consulted a drug environment and gained a lot of money from the sale of this dangerous substance. Distressed his mother phoned me asking if I could call you to receive prayer for my nephew. Shortly thereafter I dreamt one night that I called you. I dreamt that I needed to receive prayer for the family. The day after I called you and you prayed for my nephew. After this prayer, God intervened. A little later he stopped using the drugs. I have told him that I had called you and received prayed for him. He believes that this was the reason why he lost the yearning for drugs. "Drugs- never again!" He now says. At this time he accepted Jesus and was saved. It has now been approximately seven months since the miracle took place.
Healed for alcoholism
I know a 55 year old man who had been an alcoholic for 20-30 years. Sometimes he almost drank himself to death. Two years ago I called you and you prayed for him. He knew nothing about him getting prayed for. The same day that you prayed for him he stopped drinking! To his wife, he said: "I've had plenty of alcohol – so I quit drinking." The miracle happened two years ago. He is not saved. Still he does not know that the actual reason he managed to cut out the alcohol was prayer and the power of God.